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The notion that "thinking about computing is one of the most exciting things the human mind can do" sets both The Little Schemer (formerly known as The Little LISPer) and its new companion volume, The Seasoned Schemer, apart from other books on LISP. The authors' enthusiasm for their subject is compelling as they present abstract concepts in a humorous and easy-to-grasp fashion. The Little Schemer and The Seasoned Schemer are worthy successors and will prove equally popular as textbooks for Scheme courses as well as companion texts for any complete introductory course in Computer Science. The notion that "thinking about computing is one of the most exciting things the human mind can do" sets both The Little Schemer (formerly known as The Little LISPer) and its new. Format: pdf, ePub, fb2, mobi; ISBN: ; Publisher: MIT Press; Download The Little Typer Free ebook downloads for phone The Little Typer Overview. The Little Typer by Daniel P. Friedman, David Thrane Christiansen, Duane Bibby An introduction to dependent types, demonstrating the most beautiful aspects, one step at a time.
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